Ditch the Past, Move Forward With Renewables.

Go Green!

Solar Power Solutions
Wind Grid Power Concept
EV Chargers for your garage

Harnessing Power of the Elements

At Solar Montenegro Clarion Partners, with our solar and energy storage specialist, we offer a wide range of solar services for solar power plants such as solar design engineering, solar consulting, QA/QC on solar panels and other PV plants components, or solar testing and inspection. Our service portfolio aims to ensure maximum profitability and adequate risk management for our clients.

Photovoltaic technology is one of the pillars of the transition toward a sustainable energy model.  Its competitiveness has increased dramatically over the past years. This is proven by the wide deployment of solar power plants at a global level, ranging from large utility-scale projects to smaller self-consumption installations. Nowadays, there is a growing trend in the financial market to invest in solar PV and other renewable energy projects.

Solar Montenegro as part of Clarion Partners Owners Engineer is a regional consulting, engineering, testing, and quality control firm, a benchmark in  Energy storage and solar Energy solutions in the regional market. We provide technical expertise, independent advice, and a wide range of solar services for solar farms and utility-scale projects with the ultimate goal of being a trusted technical partner to our clients.

Providing Sustainable Energy Solutions

The company supports its clients across all the stages of their solar farms’ life cycle:

  • Pre-planning
  • Planning and development
  • Implementation and construction of solar farms
  • Operation and Asset Management

Our team of solar energy consultants and engineers has provided services for more than 100 renewable energy projects. This vast international experience, its high-level degree of specialization and knowledge of solar PV technology, as well as its multi-skilled and committed team of professionals, are key differentiators.

R&D and innovation are key pillars of its strategy, as it strives to be at the forefront of the technological development of photovoltaic technology.

This is why our team is constantly developing new and advanced analytics tools based on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning techniques to efficiently analyze, interpret and manage the data received from its clients’ solar projects.

Our solar technologies include the Advanced Performance Analytics Applications, a toolkit featuring interactive visualizations to diagnose the health and value of a solar energy site by using machine-learning techniques, and the and a web-based soiling calculator to estimate the annual loss in power due to dirt accumulation on the surface of PV panels.

We also offer technical consulting and engineering services for energy storage, a key technology that is frequently coupled with solar power plants.

Home Products

Nature Protecting


Smart Sockets

We’re a team dedicated to provide you with the tools and products to use the power of Sun and Wind and convert it to your very own home energy.

Home Ready Ecology Power

How to convert to renewable energy?
What are the most efficient alternatives?
How to choose the right renewable power?
How to get the most of my energy source?

You have the Power to change

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Total renewable energy projects implemented


Renewable energy suppliers recommended


Business projects helped with renewable sources


White papers published on renewable energy

Less C02 Emissions

Contact us and get started conserving

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Herceg Novi, Montenegro


office at solarmontenegro.eu


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